Know Your Tea - Interesting Organic Green Tea Facts

Published:Nov 30, 202302:51
Know Your Tea - Interesting Organic Green Tea Facts
green tea with blooming chrysanthemum near eucalyptus on table,

Share great thoughts with great minds over a cup of organic green tea!

A natural remedy to keep sickness at bay. An immunity booster. A healthier substitute for coffee. Antioxidant-rich and nutrient-packed. What else can you call an  Organic Green Tea? The qualities of green tea revolve around healing. But, how much do you truly know about your favourite Organic Green Tea?

Let's unveil a few unknown facts about Organic Green Tea!

The Story

The tale of green tea dates back to 5,000 years ago. It began in ancient China. Emperor Shen Nung found green tea in 2737 BC. While travelling with his entourage, a few wild leaves wafted to his boiling pot of water. Not noticing the same, he drank away the brew. Later, enchanted by the wonderful flavor and refreshing effect. He realized it was green tea.

The Processing

Green tea has fresh leaves. They don't need too much processing. They don't even undergo the oxidation process. After plucking, the leaves are left to wither for a few hours. Then, steaming takes place. It's done to get rid of the moisture and trap the richness of antioxidants.

The Flavor

Did you know that flavor of green tea changes from region to region? More grassy flavored green teas come from Japan. Chocolatey ones come from China. The gunpowder flavors come from Taiwan. DoMatcha is the home to versatile flavored green teas. Organic green tea is crafted to serve your taste.

The Uses

Well, no one is unaware of the nutrition facts of organic green tea. The primary aim of green tea is to heal. It helps tea lovers embrace their well-being.

● Placing green tea bags under your eyes is a magical way to get rid of your dark circles and puffy eyes.

● It also removes the scent of garlic, onions, and other odiferous ingredients.

● Dry used green tea leaves put them in a container in your fridge. It also absorbs refrigerator odours for 4-7 days.

● Organic green tea also removes odours from carpets and mats.

● If you have a leftover of green tea in your cup, water your plants with it. The natural nitrogen elements help your plants in flourishment.

The Fun Part

Did you know green tea doesn't mean it's always green in colour. Japanese sencha green tea is bright green after brewing. Most green teas look yellow when they undergo the right brewing process. So, don't be in shock when your green tea isn't green.

Buy Organic Green Tea Online

DoMatcha is home to a variety of green tea mixtures. Their tea is infused with the finest, hand-picked green tea leaves. Why not try your favorite organic green tea from DoMatcha. You'll definitely experience a newfound deep love for tea here! From organic matcha powder to sencha green tea, you'll get it all online.

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