Tips to Follow the Transition of Skin Care Routine from Winter to Spring

Published:Dec 3, 202306:39

Finally, after months of waking up to foggy mornings and shivering due to a drop in temperature, the sun is back on our heads with the official callout of the spring season! From everything freezing to flowers blooming under the clear sky, spring brings so many changes in the weather along with noticeable changes in our skin. Every time weather changes, it demands a few adjustments in the Personal Care and Beauty regime to make sure skin continues to look best and healthy. 

Now that we are officially entering the season where the temperature tends to rise with the scorching heat, our skincare routine needs some breezy change to stay sweat and oil-free. Summer season is all about clean, fresh, hydrated, and glowing skin, and with this blog; we are going to tell you all the easy tips to shield your body against the temperature and harsh summer. As you keep your winter clothes back in the trunk, get started to find ways to set up your sunblock game. 

Transition of Skin Care Regime from Winter to Spring

Switch to Oil-Free Cleanser

With the drop in temperature, the skin usually gets dry during winter and it gets mandatory to lock in moisture. However, as the summer season approaches and the weather starts getting warmer, sweat and oil on the face become a normal affair. Therefore it is important to switch to Facewash and Cleansers that are mild and produce foam. With foam-producing Facewash, skin gets rid of all the additional oil, sweat, and debris that clog the pores. 

Moisturize Your Skin with SPF Elements 

The summer season makes the skin oily and greasy still maintaining the moisture level remains constant. The sunrays are extreme during the summer season and before stepping out, make sure to protect your skin with sunscreen or oil-free moisturizer with SPF ingredients. Winter demands to keep the skin free from getting dry with face oil and other body creams. However, during the summer season, you can switch to a lightweight and hydrating cream that protects the skin against the sun with SPF properties. 

Keep the Face Free From Swelling and Puffiness 

It is very vital to keep the body hydrated during winters as dehydration can cause the face to swell and become puffy. Skin is exposed to direct heat and sunburn can also make the face puffy and swollen. To keep such situations away, switch to Facial Tools like Face Roller that provides a cooling effect to the skin and combats swelling. After following your normal skincare routine, you can choose to massage your face and neck area with a Face Roller that helps the product to absorb the skin and reduces swelling and inflammation. 

Switch to Sweat-Proof Make-up 

Tweaking a whole new skincare regime as the climate changes also call for changing the way you apply make-up. To keep your summer make-up look free from sweat, humidity and heat pick sweat-proof make-up. Seal your make-up base with oil control compact powder and don’t forget to set your make-up with a setting spray. We still haven’t gotten rid of wearing masks in public, hence make sure to go for transfer-proof lipstick that does not smudge or bleed due to heat. 

Exfoliate If Needed 

While switching to a summer-friendly skincare routine, also count exfoliation in your to-do list. This helps to fight acne, clogged pores due to sweat, and whatever poses harmful effects to the skin health. As we move to hotter weather, exfoliating the skin to remove the dead skin layer is an effective way to sail through with skin looking fresh and radiant. The bits of make-up plus sweat pave way for skin breakouts and blackheads therefore keep exfoliating to get rid of dirt and grime from the surface of the skin. 

 Maintain Body Grooming Routine 

Summer season calls for keeping your body fresh and sweat-free as it can lead to bad body odor. Body odor is a common issue that mainly happens if you don’t keep your body clean especially the intimate parts. Thus, if your body sweats a lot, you can follow a basic personal hygiene routine. Make sure not to skip taking shower, using a deodorant, and shaving body hair in certain parts. Using a body shaver like VEGA Mystic Lady Shaver removes the body hair with ease and gives smooth and silky skin. 

 And thus you are all set to beat the heat with the help of these skin-worthy tips! 

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