Bigg Boss fame and Haryanvi dancer Sapna Choudhary doesn’t need to do much to leave her fans swooning. The actress keeps treating her social media followers with entertaining videos and photos. On Thursday, Sapna shared a video grooving to veteran Bollywood actress Rekha’s most iconic song ‘In Ankhon Ki Masti Ke’ and fans went gaga over her. In the video, Sapna can be seen flaunting her sensual moves on the Umrao Jaan song. She is seen wearing a red strappy outfit and dances in her vanity room.
Sharing the video, Sapna Choudhary wrote, “तुम जेसे दीवाने हज़रो है,” with a fire emoji. There is no denying that the actress looks mesmerizing in her outfit paired with silver jewellery, bangles and a high ponytail. Fans flooded her post with compliments as soon as the video went viral. One Instagram user said, “beautiful, while another commented, “Aap jaisa koi nahi.”
Check out the video here-
Sapna Choudhary won many hearts when she appeared in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss. However, she made headlines last year when she tied the knot with longtime boyfriend Veer Sahu and also gave birth to her son. Earlier this year, Sapna also got her husband’s name tattooed on her arm. Sharing the process of getting inked, Sapna was seen flashing her big smile as she got the name of the love of her life permanently on her arm.
According to reports, Sapna Choudhary got married to Veer Sahu in January last year. On October 6, 2020, her husband Veer revealed about their secret wedding on a Facebook LIVE and confirmed that the couple has become parents to a baby boy on October 4.
Later, Sapna shared the first pictures of her baby boy on Instagram. She shared a picture of herself holding the new-born baby in her arms. Although the face was not quite visible but one can surely witness the motherly affection. Alongside, she wrote, “हज़ारों साल नर्गिस अपनी बेनूरी पे रोती है. बड़ी मुश्किल से होता है चमन में दीदावर पैदा …..”
Talking about Veer Sahu, he is a singer, composer, lyricist and actor by profession and he is called Babbu Maan of Haryana. Like Sapna Choudhary, Veer Sahu is also from the Jaat community. Veer worked in the Punjabi film ‘Gandhi Phir Aay Gaye’.