Sandra Bullock-Channing Tatum’s The Lost City of D to release in 2023

Published:Dec 1, 202310:45

Romantic motion journey The Misplaced Metropolis of D, starring Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum, is slated for a launch on April 15, 2023.

The Paramount Footage challenge is described as a “Romancing The Stone”-style romantic comedy, reported Deadline.

The Misplaced Metropolis of D follows a reclusive romance novelist (Bullock), who was positive nothing might be worse than getting caught on a e-book tour along with her cowl mannequin (Tatum), till a kidnapping try sweeps them each right into a cutthroat jungle journey, proving life might be stranger and extra romantic than any of her paperback fictions.

Adam and Aaron Nee, greatest recognized for the 2015 indie Band of Robbers, will direct the challenge. Dana Fox has penned the latest draft of the script, based mostly on an concept and remedy by Seth Gordon.

Bullock can also be producing the movie through her banner, Fortis Movies, together with Gordon’s Exhibit A and Liza Chasin and her 3dot Productions.

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