Matlabi Duniya Status In Hindi, Matlabi Status Whatsapp

Published:Sep 13, 202419:32
Updated on:Sep 13, 2024
Matlabi Duniya Status In Hindi, Matlabi Status Whatsapp

Matlabi Duniya Status in Hindi, Matlabi Status WhatsApp, WhatsApp Status in Hindi, Selfish World Status, Hindi Matlabi Quotes

The world often seems selfish, or matlabi in Hindi. If you're looking for ways to share your feelings on this, these statuses for WhatsApp will help you express yourself. Each of these statuses touches on themes of self-interest and personal experiences in today’s world.

What Is Matlabi Duniya?

In Hindi, “matlabi duniya” refers to a world where people seem driven by their own interests, without concern for others. The term captures the feelings of disappointment and detachment that many face when relationships or interactions are one-sided.

For many, sharing a matlabi duniya status on WhatsApp is a simple, yet powerful way to voice these frustrations.

Matlabi Duniya Status in Hindi

Here are some simple yet impactful statuses you can use:

  1. "लोगों को बस अपने मतलब से मतलब होता है।"
    Translation: "People only care about their own interests."

  2. "इस मतलबी दुनिया में, भरोसा करना सबसे बड़ी गलती है।"
    Translation: "In this selfish world, trusting is the biggest mistake."

  3. "मतलबी लोगों से दूर रहना ही सही होता है।"
    Translation: "It’s best to stay away from selfish people."

  4. "आजकल लोग मतलब के लिए ही रिश्ते बनाते हैं।"
    Translation: "Nowadays, people form relationships only for their own gain."

  5. "मतलब निकल जाने पर लोग बदल जाते हैं।"
    Translation: "People change once their needs are met."

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