Maestro is an upcoming Indian Telugu-language film, the movie is directed by Merlapaka Gandhi and the film is Produced by N. Sudhakar Reddy, N. Nikita Reddy & Rajkumar Akella. The Music is given by Mahati Swara Sagar and the story is written by Merlapaka Gandhi. Its primarily based on Drama, Thriller & Thriller Genres . The Film will probably be launched on 11 Jun 2021.
Maestro Film Story :-
Maestro is a black comedy crime thriller film. Maestro is a remake model of Bollywood movie Andhadhun.
Maestro Film Particulars
twenty sixth April 2021Movie | Maestro |
Genres | Drama, Thriller & Thriller |
Director | Merlapaka Gandhi |
Class | Telugu Film |
Langauge | Telugu |
The place To Watch | Theaters |
Launch date | eleventh Jun 2021 |