How To Make The 6th Anniversary of Your Partner Memorable

Published:Dec 5, 202316:24

Love is the deepest emotion in this world. It could be with a hobby, a book, a place, a mindset or a living being. 

And when that living being is your partner, you can’t get luckier. 

Kudos to you for completing 6 years with your special other. Surely, the time with her/him flew like a fast gale. And now you are here, thinking about how to celebrate the 6th anniversary.

No worries, here are five awesome ideas.

1. Gifts never go wrong

Presents are one of the oldest tokens of love and care for loved ones. Even in this modern era, you can’t deny the significance of gifts. 

They feel special, promote love and make relationships stronger. But the thing is, they have to be relevant to the occasion. 

Iron anniversary gifts are the ones that are specially designed for the 6th anniversary. The theme of this anniversary is iron thus, your gift has to adhere to it. 

2. Romantic dinner at home

Does your partner like a streamy, juicy piece of steak?

Or loaded fries with cheese melting like a waterfall?

Or a fish fried in oil on the side of sauteed vegetables?

Or a great german dish.

Whatever his/her favorite dish is, make it yourself and present it when they come back home from work. 

Imagine the spark and smile that will creep up the face of your partner. Having dinner at home without people talking near you, without the waiter coming to ask you about a glass of water, without an undesirable music that suddenly destroys the mood, is a dream dinner, no?

So give this experience to your partner on this anniversary.

3. A ride through the memories

Now, there are many ways of doing it. 

You can make a memory book with your photos through the years after the marriage, engagement or being associated with one another. 

Or if you write a diary or a journal, you can add snippets of that in a frame or a book.

Or you can print the screenshots of your text messages which you sent to each other through the years. 

Reliving the memories is not only nostalgic; it’s extremely pleasurable. Share the memory lane with her while sitting on a couch, cozily tucked in a blanket. 

Or in your balcony under a sky lit with sparkling stars and the gleaming moon. Try to create the ideal ambiance.

4. Arranging everything in your partner’s favorite color

Whether it’s jet black or royal blue, hot pink or the old favorite of everyone – white. 

Try to immerse the whole night in that color.

Let’s say, your wife’s favorite shade is black. 

Welcome her home wearing a black shirt. Hold her hands and take her in the bedroom through the stairs adorned with black ribbons and red flowers. Welcome her to the bedroom with a black sheet on the bed.

Give her the anniversary gift packed in a black colored gift paper and if you have planned a homemade dinner for her, present the dish on a black plate. 

You can’t believe how excited and respectful she will be if you arrange the anniversary day with respect to her favorite color. 

5. Take your partner to their favorite place of the city

Living in New York or Paris, Delhi or Sydney. There’s always a special place of your partner. If you don’t know that already, it’s not late, ask them.

And then plan a visit to that place on the 6th anniversary. Have dinner at the restaurant there; maybe you can take your partner to a movie theatre nearby or a snooker club if he is into potting balls. 

The idea is to be mindful of their favorites and capitalize on them to make the special event memorable.

Hope our ideas were helpful for you. Happy celebrating the anniversary and keep spreading love. 

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