Vettai Naai is an upcoming Tamil film produced by S. Jai Shankar. Different Actors together with RK Suresh, Ramki, Subiksha acted. Music by Vettai Naai, composed by Ganesh Chandrasekaran and edited by Vijay Krishnan.
Curiously, Anirudh gave his voice for a tune in Ganesh’s Ezhumin too. There was one other Vivek-starrer tune which was voiced by Dhanush.
Vettai Naai Film forged
Vettai naai Film Solid Is Given Under:Director S. Jai Shankar Producer Surabi P. Jothi Murugan Screenplay S. Jai Shankar Style Motion Story S. Jai Shankar Starring RK Suresh, Ramki, Subiksha Music Ganesh Chandrasekaran DOP Munish M Easwaran Editor Vijay Krishnan
Manufacturing Firm Surabi Photos, Thaai Film Creations Language Tamil Launch Date 26 February 2021
Film Launch Date
The Film vettai Naai is scheduled to Launch on 26 February 2021.
Film Playtime
The film Playtime Is 2 Hour 45 minute.
Film Trailer
Film Accessible by Tamilrockers and Different torrent Website
As soon as once more the Piracy Web site Tamilrockers have began their black exploits. This Piracy Web site has uploaded Telugu’s Thriller, Motion movie “Vettai Naai” website.
Even after sending so many Warnings and Film Solid to Tamilrockers, Tamilrockers has not stopped working. On the identical time, even earlier than this Madras Excessive Court docket has banned this website many occasions. However like each time, this Pirated Web site “Tamilrockers” (www.Tamilrockers.com) is introduced once more with a brand new area.
NewsIndia12.in किसी भी तरह से Piracy को बढ़ावा देने का लक्ष्य नहीं रखता है। Piracy अपराध का एक कार्य है और इसे 1957 के Copyright Act के तहत एक गंभीर अपराध माना जाता है। इस web page का उद्देश्य आम जनता को चोरी के बारे में सूचित करना और उन्हें इस तरह के कृत्यों से सुरक्षित रहने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना है। हम आपसे अनुरोध करते हैं कि आप किसी भी रूप में piracy को प्रोत्साहित या संलग्न न करें।