Essential Aspects of Surrogacy in Georgia

Published:Dec 3, 202307:39

People studying the options for a surrogacy destination inevitably get stuck on the most important question: “Which is the best country to choose and what to look for in particular?”

One of the best examples of a great country for surrogacy in Georgia. This country is becoming increasingly popular among intended parents from around the globe. So what makes it so special? Let’s see what surrogacy in Georgia has to offer in terms of legal aspects.

Surrogacy in Georgia Overview

While considering Georgia as your choice for the surrogacy process, there are several things you should closely follow. First, Georgian surrogacy legislation gives preference to married heterosexual couples. If you are a single parent or a gay couple, your best option is to seek professional aid in another country. Thus, you will find comfortable conditions and will be provided with legal protection.

Second, gestational surrogacy in Georgia is protected by law. This means that the biological mother, who is not genetically linked with the baby she bears, has no legal claim over the baby after giving birth.

Third, future surrogates must adhere to strict rules if they want their services to be used. To qualify as surrogate mothers, females have to be somewhere between 21 and 41 years old and undergo a series of clinical tests that will prove they are healthy and are a perfect candidate for childbirth.

And one more important thing. Prior to any surrogacy procedures, a pre-birth court order is issued to finalize the terms of the exit process and protect the intended parents’ rights. The IPs and the surrogate must also finalize the contract before the surrogacy process takes off.

Summing Up

You may see that the legal side of surrogacy in Georgia is managed in its own unique way just like in any other country that offers surrogacy services. While you can explore your possibilities on your own, you don’t have to. Comparing benefits and risks can add even more confusion so we suggest seeking advice from a well-known surrogacy agency like World Center of Baby where you can get a full range of legal consultations. Our best experts will help you weigh all pros and cons and come to a reasonable decision.

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