Bollywood's eternally suave star Anil Kapoor, who was final seen in Vikramditya Motwane's 'AK vs AK', has been lacking his daughters Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Rhea Kapoor. The actor shared just a few throwback pictures of his daughters on his Instagram. He captioned the pictures, "I miss you both everyday but maybe just a little extra today!! @sonamkapoor @rheakapoor."Out of the three pictures shared by the famous person, two of them are from Sonam and Rhea's childhood, the third image has the daughters posing alongside their father as they appear all decked up within the Indian ethnic put on. While Sonam commented on the image, "Miss you dad", Rhea expressed her emotions by emojis. Zoya Akhtar, Neetu Kapoor, and Anil's spouse Sunita Kapoor too commented on the submit.
On the work entrance, the actor might be quickly beginning with the ultimate schedule of 'Jug Jugg Jeeyo' the place he might be sharing the display with Varun Dhawan, Kiara Advani, Neetu Kapoor, Maniesh Paul and Prajakta Koli. The movie is being directed by Raj Mehta beneath the banner of Dharma Productions.It was solely lately that Varun Dhawan shared an image with Kiara saying he missed Anil and Neetu. Apart from this, Anil Kapoor will subsequent be seen within the Ranbir Kapoor-Parineeti Chopra starrer "Animal", scheduled to hit screens on Dussehra 2023.The Sandeep Reddy Vanga directorial is a gangster drama that revolves across the ever-changing relationships of the protagonists.Disclaimer: We at request you to take a look at movement pictures on our readers solely with cinemas and Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Hotstar and any official digital streaming firms. Don’t use the pyreated site to acquire or view online.Join Telegram Stay Tuned with for more Entertainment information.