5 Foods to Add to Your Diet

Published:Nov 30, 202302:42
5 Foods to Add to Your Diet
flat lay photography of vegetable salad on plate

There are a lot of food options out there. It seems like every day, dieticians and fitness influencers are recommending different diets to try out to achieve weight loss, muscle development, or heart health goals. It can be hard to filter through the noise and choose an actual diet that will serve your needs.

Pursuing health can be complicated, but it shouldn’t be. It is easy to say that you want to exercise more, eat healthier, or spend more time focusing on mental health, but it is a lot harder to do those things. In particular, trying to eat a balanced diet and plan healthy meals can be exhausting when you have to do so over and over again.

Finding a few staples to include in your eating habits can make things a little simpler. You can build meals or snacks around a few basic ingredients, making recipes that you can enjoy easier to find. Here are five foods that you should add to your diet to support health.

Trail Mix

Snacking is one of the biggest culprits when people are struggling to lose weight at the rate that they desire. It is easy to feel those hunger pangs and reach for something tasty in the pantry or refrigerator to sate that hunger and feel satisfied. While snacking may be impossible to avoid completely, you should invest in healthier snacks that will fill you up without pumping unhealthy sugars and fats into your body. Trail mix is a perfect snack for when you feel those bouts of hunger. The lean proteins from nuts and seeds, plus the nutrients from dried fruits, pack a very healthy punch while still filling you up. Having this snack available in your pantry can give you a positive alternative to unhealthy treats when you get hungry between meals. 


Rice is a staple of many diets around the world, and although it can be comparable to quinoa in terms of benefits, quinoa is considered a more complete protein with better amino acids. Having a container of uncooked quinoa can provide you with a base for many different meals, making it a cost-effective diet option that is also healthy. Plus, quinoa has been trending for a while, so you can find plenty of quinoa recipes that other health enthusiasts love. Add quinoa to your next grocery list for a diverse and healthier alternative to regular rice. 

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is another fantastic option to keep well-supplied in your refrigerator. It can be mixed with berries and granola for a delicious and healthy breakfast. You can also throw it into a fruit smoothie to add a creamy texture while providing lean proteins. It is also a versatile ingredient for cooking to make your lunches or dinners more nutritious. You can get large tubs of Greek yogurt for a fairly decent price, so it will last you through multiple meals and snacks. It also tastes pretty good on its own, though it is easy to add some fruits for a nutrient-rich afternoon snack.


Oats are one of the most versatile products on this list, especially for breakfasts and lunches. They are often considered a superfood because of their versatility and nutrition profile. They are whole grains that are packed with fibers, vitamins, and minerals. Eating oats daily is easy since they can be used for oatmeal, in smoothies, or mixed with other ingredients for simple snacks during the day. Oats are also a great source of beta-glucan, which is a highly soluble fiber that can improve cholesterol levels. Buy a large container of oats the next time you are at the store and enjoy the numerous benefits of your diet.


This is kind of cheating since nutrient supplements are not technically food. However, they can provide nutrients and you can find them in most grocery stores, so they make it onto the list. The best way to take supplements is to pair them with a balanced diet. That way, the foods you eat can provide all the nutrients that your cells need while the supplements can boost specific vitamin or mineral levels a little further, supporting overall health. They are a convenient way to deliver more resources to your cells, optimizing cellular health alongside your other healthy diet choices.  

A Good Diet Benefits Holistic Health

While multiple factors contribute to overall wellness, focusing on a balanced diet is a great way to start. Your cells require the resources provided by food to function, so if you consume a diet that is rich in all the nutrients you need, your cells can perform their duties more effectively and sustain your body. Though your eating habits are just one piece of overall health, they can be the perfect jumping-off point for taking additional steps to pursue your wellness goals. Add these products to your next grocery list and start building meals around them to enjoy the benefits of a nutrient-rich diet. 

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