10 Things You Should Know About Permanent Hair Removal.

Published:Nov 30, 202302:54
10 Things You Should Know About Permanent Hair Removal.
Permanent Hair Removal

What are the things you should know before a laser hair removal appointment? These are the 10 things you should consider. The facts listed below will help you find the answers to the most frequent questions and concerns you may have regarding laser hair removal if you are considering it for the first time and are concerned due to all the negative things you have heard about it. We have come up with a list of 10 things you should know.

  1. Do you think it is painful?

Pain during laser hair removal is typically a concern for most people. It is, however, tolerable and not as bad as you may imagine. A cooling gel will also be applied by your therapist to help you relax by reducing any discomfort you may experience throughout the procedure. We will take all necessary safety measures and provide the greatest care.

  1. You will Need a Maintenance Session

The most secure technique to get rid of body hair for an extended time is using laser hair removal. It will go after just one follow-up consultation with the practitioner.

  1. You May Have to part ways With Some of Your Cosmetics Before, During, and After

Make sure to only wash your skin with soap and water before heading to the laser clinic from home. Applying lotions, creams, fragrances, deodorants, or makeup on skin that needs to be treated is not advisable. Two weeks before and following the treatments, you must refrain from utilizing chemical peels and bleaching agents.

  1. The Process has  no Negative Effects

It is the most effective and safest method of hair removal. Additionally, the face and neck may be treated with it. Your therapist will give you an eye shield to protect your eyes and a cooling gel to cover any sensitive regions. To help the therapist recommend the best course of therapy, you must let her know about your medical history and current medications.

  1. You Can’t do it on a Tattoo

Having a tattoo on the same body part as where you wish to get your hair removed by laser can cause issues. The laser will distort the artwork if it is pointed towards the ink, so you might have to scrap the concept or get the haircut surrounding the tattoo. To protect the tattoo from the laser, your practitioner will cover it and work on the surrounding region.

  1. It Can’t Work on a Grey Hair 

As laser does not operate on hair that lacks color, it is not the greatest choice if you want to get rid of grey hair on your body. Black, brown, blonde and reddish-brown hair, among others, responds to it perfectly. 

  1. You will Have to Avoid the Sunlight.

While you should always protect your skin from too much sun exposure, it's especially crucial to steer clear of tanning beds and the sun on the days right before your laser procedure. After each treatment, you must apply sunscreen. The optimum seasons for laser hair removal are therefore the fall and winter.

  1. It is Easy and Quick

Depending on the size of the treatment area and your skin type, most treatments run a few minutes to an hour with ease during the procedure. 

  1. Don’t Take any Drug that is not Recommended for you During this Time

Some substances can increase the sensitivity of your skin to lasers, which might result in aberrant pigmentation or even burns. Be careful to review your entire medicine list, including antibiotics, topical treatments, and birth control tablets, before your first session.

  1. What will the price be?

Although the price of other hair removal methods like waxing is cheaper, it is not a permanent solution. Laser Hair Removal costs vary according to the area to be treated. Cost details will be communicated when you schedule your consultation.

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